Cahal Pech Mayan Ruins

Cahal Pech Mayan Ruins - "Place of Ticks"

The Cahal Pech Maya site and Visitor Center are located in the Cayo District on a hill overlooking the beautiful town of San Ignacio.

Its closeness to town and the vast contrast from town life to rich jungle environment make Cahal Pech a unique place to visit.

The site center is made up of 34 structures located around several courtyards, including temple pyramids and residential buildings.

The tallest structure here is 23.5 meters (77 feet) high. There are also 2 ballcourts, 8 stelae and 1 altar.

Preliminary investigations carried out in 1988 revealed that Cahal Pech was settled by 1200 B.C. and abandoned around A.D. 850. This makes Cahal Pech one of the earliest Maya sites in the Belize region of the Maya lowlands, contemporaneous with Cuello in the north.

A carved monument discovered at Cahal Pech is also the earliest carved stelae yet discovered in the eastern Maya lowlands.

Tour Details


At 8:00 am and 1:00 pm

30 minutes drive from Chaa Creek

1 1/2 to 2 hours - can be combined with tours of Xunantuich Maya Site 

Moderate with optional climbing

Short or long pants and comfortable footwear - short sleeve lengths

What To Bring Along
Hat, sunscreen, water, insect repellant, camera, and raingear if needed.



US $149 per groups Trasportaion  (1-4 persons)
US $12.50 per person Entrance Fee
Taxes are additional at 12.5%  


Interested in exploring Maya Temples in Belize? Call us TOLL Free at +1-877-709-8708 for more information. 

Request A Reservation
E.g., 2025-03-25
chaa creek staff guide Darren Lamb
our staff

Darren Lamb, Adventure Connoisseur

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